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Australian content description : Use informal measurement in the collection and recording of observations, with the assisstance of digital technologies as appropriate (ACSIS039).


The children will be using the digital camera by taking a series of photos in small groups to observe, and record the germination and growth of the seed over the next four weeks. Your child will have the opportunity to present their data in a group with the images from their inquiry process. The five E's teaching and learning model based on constructivist approach to learning focuses on developing your child's knowledge and understanding in science and literacy (Learning theory, 2013) . Please click on the 5 E's model to read for more information during your own free time. 


The students will use a digital camera which will provide them with the opportunity to engage and to incorporate technology into the curriculum. The images will enable the students to present and document their scientific process of inquiry with their peers by using a blog. The 'RAT' framework aligns with the transformation approach whereby students respond their observation using blogs to record their learning journey (Hughes, 2006). The children will use the images and present their observations by using the interactive white board. The blog provides the studetns an authentic educational experience by sharing, discussing and communicating with their peers.   


The Youtube clip below will show you how other students use the digital camera in various learning experiences.










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